Thursday, July 12, 2007

Using RSS and Google Reader

I just started using Google Reader early this year, and I've found it to be very helpful in keeping up. Actually, what happened was that I discovered library blogs. I started reading a few and they would refer to another one, so I checked that one out, and added it. I now have over 50 subscriptions to blogs written by librarians about various things. This is a testing phase, because I can't possibly read them all all the time. I've deleted some, and I will continue to delete after I've picked my favorites. Meanwhile, here are some blogs I enjoy reading or find useful:

ALA TechSource
Planet Cataloging
Free Range Librarian
Hectic Pace
Lorcan Dempsey's weblog

Not just for libraries:


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.